Vanderlei Ramos



Hello friends
I am a designer who likes to show his talent in the form of art by drawing Fanart , I do my best in my work so that one day I will be recognized in the art communities, thank you for following my work.


By commissioning me, you agree to the [Terms of Service]!I do enjoy drawing:
• DnD
• Fanart
But feel free to ask about other topics that haven't been mentioned ^^

Portrait - 50 USD


Full BODY - Full Render - 250USD

Payment process
• Payment via Paypal Invoice
• All payments are paid upfront, the commission will be started only after the payment has been made.
• no refunds.
General information
• You cannot claim my art, designs, or other works/commissions made by me as your own. Please be sure to credit me when posting it on other sites.
• I suggest you to not post the original full-sized file online, to prevent someone from stealing or monetizing it.
• You will receive only the digital art file. I do not work with printed commissions nor any other physical art merch.
• If you'd like your artwork to be private and not posted it may cost extra.
• Every finished commission will be sent via e-mail with a download link, if something happens, please let me know as soon as possible, I do not keep files in my drive for a long time, so any lost files that weren’t saved within 2 weeks are the responsibility of the customer and therefore won’t be refunded.
• Feel free to DM me by clicking on the socials listed on the home page!
Artist rights
• As an artist, I retain full rights and ownership of the commissioned artwork: posting it to my sites, making speed paints, or presenting it in my portfolios/artbooks.
• I have the right to decline a commission request for any reason.
• It may take a while to finish the commission. Unless it is a priority commission then it'll be completed within the agreed deadline (usually 5 to 30 days).
• Please be patient and keep in mind that I work with multiple commissions simultaneously, in addition to other personal responsibilities that I have, I ask you to be kind in case I take a little longer with your order because I want to deliver the best result of my work to you!
Priority commission
• You can order a priority commission when you want to skip the waitlist and get the commissions done by a deadline. The priority fee is up to 70% of the base price.

Contact DM

E-mail - ( [email protected] )